Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mini Portfolio

This is a photo from my first time working in the studio as a photography student

After a while I discovered that people were my favorite subject and continued to regularly shoot them even after I stopped studying photography. This picture is from the first time I went to an anime convention to take pictures of the people who go to anime conventions.

This is a video of my brick drop from Art 28.

I suppose that you can glean from the video post that I am an Animation/Illustration major. My aspiration is to graduate with a focus in animation and, for security's sake, land a nice job at a studio. There's a handful of film and game studios that I would feel proud to work at, but what I really wish I could do is work on independent animated shorts one day.

I think that I share a lot of influences with other animation students, going back primarily to Golden Age Warner Bros. and Disney work. I would also say that cartoons and videogames from the late 80s and early 90s were a large influence on me as well- the cartoons because they were the first serialized stories that I ever became engrossed with in my life and the videogames because during that period developers were pioneering an unexplored medium and managed to create some of the most entertaining multimedia products I've ever experienced using extremely limited hardware.

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